Hi, I'm James. Currently working on making global IT logistics as seamless as possible for enterprises. This is my personal blog where I write about the lessons I've learned from business and in life. Thanks for visiting.


Website Update

Last weekend, I played a few games that were originally designed for mobile viewports and then ported onto the PC. The PC version was exactly the same as the mobile game, just on a desktop, and overall the experience was still pretty good. Whereas if you designed for PC first and then ported that experience to a mobile device, the space constraints would render the layout unusable. Hence why "mobile first," is a thing. But it made me wonder, maybe "mobile exclusively" might be even better than just mobile first. So anyways, I updated this site to be "mobile exclusive" because why not.

A Random Thought

Leadership is centered around two core activities: figuring out what a team ought to do and setting the pace for everyone on the team.

Latest Work

The updated FGX website. In the last decade (seven years personally), we've learned a lot about the world of enterprise IT supply-chains. We delivered hardware to the most regulated countries in the world, stood up logistics programs for large vendors and end-users alike, and there's a lot more to come.